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as a starving artist insightful and enlightening! You also may not!

Check out the latest post:

The Purimoji card!

"Today I feel..." Here's a creative way to label your mishloach manot. This card lets you choose from a wide variety of Purim appropriate expressions, so you can let each recipient know just how you feel about them! Download

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Enter at your own risk

Achashveirosh Face-Changer

Achashveirosh Face-Changer

Don't let Achashveirosh down! Here's a quick Purim craft to get you in touch with your feelings. Or with Achashveirosh's feelings, as the case may be. Fold it up, colour it in, and enjoy! Download

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The Shpinnema!

The Shpinnema!

Do you know what a zoetrope is? Find out by building your own dreidle-animation combobulation! This one is a bit of work, but it's worth it, to see it in action. Print, assemble, and enjoy!

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Parasha Sauce – Korach

Parasha Sauce – Korach

Can you help a small team of Levi'im properly guard the Ohel-Moed?find out, in this episode of - Parasha Sauce! Print, and enjoy!

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Combinatoric Purim Costume Calculator

Combinatoric Purim Costume Calculator

Having trouble choosing a costume for Purim this year? This is the tool for you! A fully functional costume generator, capable of conjuring up 27 unique costumes! Colour it in, snip it out, add a drop of glue and you're ready to go. Great for Purim-themed craft-time...

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