Welcome to Dovtrail – Kosher Entertainment with Character!

Let’s get creative! Here you’ll find comics, puzzles, projects, and artwork to add some fun and adventure into your day.





Draw the Sedra

Get out your pen
and paper and
draw along with me!


The Purimoji card!

"Today I feel..." Here's a creative way to label your mishloach manot. This card lets you choose from a wide variety of Purim appropriate expressions, so you can let each recipient know just how you feel about them! Download

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Achashveirosh Face-Changer

Don't let Achashveirosh down! Here's a quick Purim craft to get you in touch with your feelings. Or with Achashveirosh's feelings, as the case may be. Fold it up, colour it in, and enjoy! Download

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Here I am – in a nutshell:

I know how to draw pretty pictures, and I’m a holy yid – That’s why I’m working to give my best to the world of Jewish media. I think the values of the Torah are the most beautiful out there by far, and the media that portrays those values should match, by being the most engaging and compelling media around!